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We found 18 matching businesses for you.
Amy Yip Coaching

Amy Yip Coaching

Amy Yip, Founder

I help ambitious women quiet their inner judge, overcome self-doubt and let go of all the 'shoulds' so they can finally be the author of their own life story (because if you're not telling your story, someone else is).
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

But it seems everyone has an opinion about who you should and shouldn't be. What you should and shouldn't do. How you should and shouldn't act.

What if you could live a life aligned to your own beliefs, passions, and wants versus being someone you were told “you should” be?

I know it's possible because I've been there!

After 16+ years of corporate life, I found the narrative I wanted to write for myself and followed that path.

In January 2020, I quit my job at Google, sold all my belongings in my NYC apartment and took a 1-way flight to Ghana with my husband to volunteer at a breast cancer non-profit while continuing to coach clients. The plan was to volunteer for 3 months, then travel the world. COVID clearly shifted our plans. We got stuck in Ghana for 7 months and I had to pivot my dreams.

One of my greatest learnings on my journey is: Your mindset, NOT your circumstance, makes all the difference in your happiness and success. Mental Fitness helped me find the courage to pursue my dreams, to pivot my dreams during COVID, and find the gift in every circumstance, to have a stronger relationship with myself and others, to handle the stresses of life and figure out what REALLY matters to me.

I am passionate about doing the same for others. If you want to strengthen your mental fitness, quiet your inner judge, and overcome self-doubt so you can figure out what REALLY matters to you and write the narrative you want to tell about the rest of your life then let's connect. I'd love to meet and hear your story. To help you (re)claim your internal authority and confidently make decisions that lead you towards your dreams (even if that dream isn't totally clear yet)

Coaches and Consultants Business Career Communication Executive Health Leadership Life Mental Health Skills Wellness

Amy Yip
Alumni Association Lifetime Member

Minority Business Enterprise

Coaches Corner

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Audrey Barnes Media

Audrey Barnes, Founder

I empower entrepreneurs and organizations to leverage the power of video to tell their story.
Audrey Barnes Media is a woman-owned public relations and video production company. It was founded by an Emmy Award winning former television news reporter and anchor who excels at storytelling. We are proud that our videos have helped domestic violence victims, judges and law enforcement officers, and others shield their addresses from their abusers. ABM has helped local businesses shine a spotlight on their services and products. Audrey has also taught entrepreneurs how to take the fear out of social media and public speaking, and get out there to tell their own story too through dynamic marketing strategies and creative branding.

Coaches and Consultants Business Career Communication Executive Leadership

Audrey Barnes

Alumni Association Lifetime Member

Minority Business Enterprise

Leadership Coach Group

Leadership Coach Group

Michael Seelman, Owner

Your Partner for Leadership Growth
The Leadership Coach Group is a global firm that offers leadership/executive coaching, team coaching, 360-degree leadership assessments, leadership training, personality assessments (Strengths Finders, DISC, Myers-Briggs), and much more. We were recently selected by Manage HR Magazine as a Top 10 leadership and organizational development company in the United States. We serve clients around the world virtually and in person. Contact us today!

Coaches and Consultants Behavioral Business Career Communication Executive Leadership Skills

Michael Seelman
Alumni Association Lifetime Member

Coaches Corner

No Anxiety Prep

No Anxiety Prep

Nicole Porcaro, Founder

College and graduate school prep doesn't have to be stressful; let us help you reach your educational goals!
Proud Winner of WASHINGTON FAMILY MAGAZINE'S "Best Of": -Best SAT/ACT Prep, 2020 and 2021 -Best Overall Tutoring Program, 2021

'N'icole 'A'ndrea 'P'orcaro puts the 'N.A.P.' in No Anxiety Prep!

No Anxiety Prep focuses on independent, personalized educational consulting for secondary school admissions, college admissions and graduate school admissions. We provide services including test preparation, application essay assistance, academic paper editing, interview skills critique, resume revamps, school selection, course planning, and more. We pride ourselves on providing the most personalized and stress-free experience available, and maintain a special focus on our aspiring Terps!

Our small-company feel and international experience prioritizes excellent service with none of the big-company bureaucratic headaches, and we have helped thousands of students in 15 states and seven countries attain admissions to some of the top high schools and colleges in the country and the world. All of our employees are certified in the 95th percentile or above in their test area, as well as pass a rigorous selection and training program focusing on learning styles, learning differences, and collaborative pedagogy. We believe education should be personalized, engaging and purpose-based!

Maryland alumni who mention the Terp Referral Exchange when signing up receive 20% off up to ten sessions!

Coaches and Consultants Business Career Communication Leadership Life Skills

Nicole Porcaro
Alumni Association Lifetime Member

Minority Business Enterprise

Right Next Door

Right Next Door

Hallie Williams, Founder

An informed entrepreneur is our best client!
Right Next Door is a franchise brokerage firm that educates, consults, and coaches an entrepreneur in owning and operating a franchise. We have over 400+ national, regional, and emerging franchise brands in our portfolio servicing 40+ categories, including restaurants, retail, industrial, professional and home services.

Right Next Door is passionate about our role as an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder and dedicated to changing lives through small business ownership. We empower the entrepreneur with the resources and guidance to submit their franchise application on Discovery Day and to sign the franchise agreement on Decision Day.

Let’s work together to make a difference in our communities and neighborhoods today.

Coaches and Consultants Athletics Business Career Communication Executive Fitness Health Leadership Life Mental Health Skills

Hallie Williams
Alumni Association Lifetime Member

Minority Business Enterprise

Summit Presentations, LLC

Summit Presentations, LLC

Steven Cohen, Owner

Learn how to communicate with authority, confidence, and influence.
I run Summit Presentations, LLC, a training company that delivers high-impact professional development programs for executives and teams. We use research-based training strategies and data-driven assessments to help people become better speakers and better writers. Through interactive exercises and simulations, our clients learn how to frame messages, use data, and tell stories to influence others and create lasting impact.

The best part of my job is working with amazing people. I’ve helped distinguished professors and scientists deliver TEDMED and TEDx Talks; helped CEOs and senior business executives communicate their vision in keynote speeches and at town halls; helped sales teams and entrepreneurs develop pitches for innovative products and companies; and helped thought leaders and government officials deliver inspirational speeches to large audiences.

Send me a message if I can help you or your team reach new heights.

Coaches and Consultants Behavioral Career Communication Executive Leadership Skills

Steven Cohen
Alumni Association Lifetime Member

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Victoria Cumberbatch, Founder

Coaches and Consultants Behavioral Communication Leadership Life Skills Wellness

Victoria Cumberbatch

Alumni Association Member

Minority Business Enterprise

Artsci Consulting and Coaching

Artsci Consulting and Coaching

Lorine Ghabranious, Founder

Evoking transformation one client at a time!
It all begins with that little nudge, an idea, a thought- something that makes you think that there is something more, something that you want to explore. That is where I come in. Together, in partnership, we will explore what it is that is holding you back, encourage you to dream big, and find those actionable steps to take you there! I’m excited to go on this journey with you!

I specialize in career transitions but enjoy working with anyone who feels stuck and wants to explore a possible change in their life!

Coaches and Consultants Behavioral Business Career Communication Executive Leadership Life Mental Health Skills

Lorine Ghabranious
Alumni Association Member

Confident Communicators, LLC

Confident Communicators, LLC

Daniel Kaplan, Founder

Communications training and consulting for leaders, managers, and teams.
Effective communication is crucial for the success of any organization, especially in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. Communication training for leaders, managers, and teams can improve collaboration, increase productivity, and promote a more effective and inclusive work environment.

Coaches and Consultants Communication Leadership

Daniel Kaplan
Alumni Association Member

Journey On, Executive Leadership Coaching and Training

Journey On, Executive Leadership Coaching and Training

Jessica Portney, Founder

Empowering leaders to seek inward and lead outward.
Passionate about empowering women, Jessika Portney is an executive & leadership coach and founder of Journey On. Jessika has worked in the field of leadership development for over a decade, supporting leaders of all backgrounds and tenures. In addition to her work with private clients, Jessika coaches and facilitates leadership development training programs for non-profit organizations and government agencies. Her approach to leadership has been informed by the cross-cultural experiences she’s sought out: pursuing a graduate degree and teaching English in Rome, facilitating Fulbright fellowships for mid-career leaders from 90 different countries, and implementing USAID projects for Egyptian women pursuing a STEM education.

Clients value Jessika’s deep curiosity about the human experience and ability to create a warm environment for them to be vulnerable and dig deep. She became a coach to honor these gifts and create space for those who want to do similar transformational work. Jessika finds true joy in partnering with clients to embrace their superpowers and manifest their potential.

Coaches and Consultants Business Career Communication Executive Leadership Life Skills Wellness

Jessica Portney
Alumni Association Member

Coaches Corner

Journey2Consciousness LLC

Journey2Consciousness LLC

Rowena Winkler, Owner

Helping women find their voice and own their authenticity.
Hi there! I'm Dr. Rowena Winkler. I help women find their voice and come back to their divine authenticity by using a combination of spiritual tools and practical strategies. My coaching method — and by extension my speaking style — encourages women to tap into self-love, build confidence, get unstuck, and make a change. As a marketing professional with over 15 years of experience, I'm also a higher ed consultant and instructor who develops and teaches courses in strategic communication and writing. I am a content creator, a musical theater performer, and a true extrovert. I love to be with people and I love to help people. I love to write, sing, dance, and act. I love to travel. I am a team player, a collaborator, an innovator, and a leader. I am a spiritual human being and an empath that connects with others. I feel the energy of a room and feed off that energy. I am a visionary that wants to take people to their highest potential, whether that is through my insights in communication, marketing, or using tools for healing like astrology or human design. For years I've always felt that I am capable of doing more and giving more to the universe. My coaching business is the culmination of that deep desire to do more, along with my vast experiences in speaking, writing, teaching, and performing. Whether someone is a student trying to figure out a career path, a solopreneur trying to determine their next marketing moves, or a mom trying to find herself again — I help clients dig deep and ask the right questions to get them to where they want to go next, gracefully and intentionally.

Coaches and Consultants Business Career Communication Leadership Life Skills Wellness

Rowena Winkler
Alumni Association Member

17 North

17 North

Jennifer Burns, Founder

Your Marketing Partner
I love marketing, even if you don't! With all the marketing choices you have, how do you know what's best for your business? That's where 17 North comes in. From setting up your initial marketing presence, to helping you determine how to grow, or a giving your existing marketing infrastructure a full marketing audit...I am ready to be your marketing partner. Small projects or large, I'll work to your comfort level, whether that is by your side or taking your ideas and moving them forward. I look forward to meeting fellow Terp entrepreneurs!

Coaches and Consultants Business Communication Executive

Jennifer Burns
Minority Business Enterprise

3eee Consulting

3eee Consulting

Joi Brown-Thompson, Founder

Educate, Equip, and Empower
3EEE Consulting, is ready to educate, equip, and empower you through coaching, conversations, and workshops in career and entrepreneur development, conflict resolution, goal setting, health and wellness, leadership and team development, and personal and professional branding.

Coaches and Consultants Business Career Communication Executive Fitness Health Leadership Life Skills Wellness

Joi Brown-Thompson
Minority Business Enterprise

Coaches Corner



Danielle Dardashti, Founder

I help people and companies tell impactful stories!

I'm an award-winning storyteller who empowers corporate teams and business leaders to use stories to make things better: sell smarter, market more effectively, boost morale, and infuse joy into work. In my high-energy virtual or in-person keynotes, workshops, and consultation sessions, I guide participants through the science, art, and craft of strategic storytelling.


dash. founder, Danielle Dardashti is an Emmy award-winner who helps people and companies tell impactful stories. She has produced documentaries, reported the news on TV, co-authored 3 books, and held senior roles at major media companies including Meredith Corporation & Tribune. Five years ago she started dash. Her clients include Pfizer, Marriott, BlackRock, SAP, Curiosity Stream, Fandom, and more.

Coaches and Consultants Business Communication Executive Leadership Skills

Danielle Dardashti
Minority Business Enterprise

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Fadzai Nhamburo

Minority Business Enterprise

Fresh Perspective Consulting

Fresh Perspective Consulting

Elyse Stoner, Founder

If your event strategy is, "That's the way we've always done it," then you need a Fresh Perspective to maximize the marketing value of any event opportunity.
Elyse (Adler) Stoner, IVSP '88, brings your business a fresh perspective to maximize the marketing value of these unique opportunities through her extensive and diverse event marketing experiences. Connecting with and helping Terps realize the potential within all event opportunities is the best way she can give back to the community that launched her career. Need help evaluating sponsorship opportunities, figuring out how to determine event success or deciding how to strategically engage attendees once a program is completer? Reach out to Elyse so she can help.

Coaches and Consultants Business Communication Executive

Elyse Stoner
Minority Business Enterprise

Lauren Lefkowitz Coaching

Lauren Lefkowitz Coaching

Lauren Lefkowitz, Founder

Bust out of the work, sleep, repeat cycle and OWN your career...and your life!
I am a Career and Mindset Coach, working with leaders to break the work, sleep, repeat cycle. Prior to launching Lauren Lefkowitz Coaching as a full-time business, I spent 20 years working in HR and Operations, and interim-led several corporate functions. I partner with individuals and small/medium businesses to support professionals who want to build leadership skills and confidence, make powerful choices, and find joy, excitement, challenge, and balance in their careers...and still have a personal life to love.

I make it comfortable to have uncomfortable conversations.

Through this network, I hope to build relationships, create community, grow my business, and support others in growing their businesses.

Coaches and Consultants Behavioral Business Career Communication Executive Leadership Life Skills Wellness

Lauren Lefkowitz

Coaches Corner

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Lisa Jill Marcus LCSW PC, Psychotherapy

Lisa Marcus, Owner

Coaches and Consultants Behavioral Career Communication Health Life Mental Health Wellness

Lisa Marcus